The Dialysis Data Flow Tour

Data transfer and reporting in QA Dialysis

We would like to take you on a trip through the data jungle of the German health care system - from the dialysis facility to the German Associations of SHI Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen, KV) and the trust authority (Vertrauensstelle, VST) to MNC and finally into the report.

start the tour

Medical Netcare - Management in Health Care

From the dialysis facility to the trust authority (VST)

All associated data and values of dialysis are collected. The collected data from all dialysis centers in Germany is transferred to Medical Netcare at the end of each quarter.

Daten buendeln und verschluesseln_3schluessel_flach

Data collection in the dialysis facility

KV entfernt Abrechnungsdaten_flach

Data processing in the Association of SHI Physicians (KV)


Pseudonymisation by the trust authority (VST)

Medical Netcare - Management in Health Care

What data is collected?

Medical Netcare - Management in Health Care

From data collection to the report

MNC receives the QA data packets. After decryption and data validation, the report production starts.

MNC berechnet_flach

Data reception and decryption by MNC

MNC validiert_flach

Data validation by MNC

MNC erstellt Berichte_flach

Report production by MNC

submission of reports via the Association of SHI Physicians

Only 8 weeks later

the reports are usually available

The reports are made available for download to the Associations of SHI Physicians. When the download is completed, the Associations distribute the reports to the dialysis facilities in the area covered by the particular Association. Dialysis facilities can address either their Association or Medical Netcare if questions or problems should arise.

Do you have any questions about your report? Or do you feel inspired to start a new project with us? Please get in touch through one of the contact options listed below or you can use our contact form.

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