Medical Netcare - Management in Health Care

Most recent report downloads

Here you will always find the most recent report downloads of reports created by Medical Netcare.
8. June 2022

Evaluation report of the DMP “BK” (breast cancer) 2022 published

The Federal Joint Comitee (G-BA) as well as the authorising health insurance companies have published the first evaluation report on the indication BK (breast cancer) 2022.

8. June 2022

Evaluation report of the DMP “DM1” 2022 published

The Federal Joint Comitee (G-BA) as well as the authorising health insurance companies have published the evaluation report on the indication DM1 2022.

8. June 2022

Evaluation report of the DMP “DM2” 2021 published

The Federal Joint Comitee (G-BA) as well as the authorising health insurance companies have published the evaluation report on the indication DM2 2021.

8. June 2022

Evaluation report of the DMP “ASB” 2020 published

The Federal Joint Comitee (G-BA) as well as the authorising health insurance companies have published the first evaluation report on the indication ASB 2020.

24. September 2018

Annual Report Data Analysis Dialysis 2017

The Federal Joint Comitee (G-BA) has published the annual report Data Analysis Dialysis for the year 2017.